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Loading and Unloading Your CompMag. Clearing Double Feeds. Mag Disassembly.


   The main thing you have to remember with the CompMag is to hold it in an upright position when loading. If you do not do this it will not load properly. Holding the magazine at a downward angle and “rolling” the rounds into the magazine or laying your firearm flat will NOT work. The best way to load the CompMag is to hold your AR-15 in your right hand with the pistol grip, keep your firearm upright and slightly tilted to the right.  Open the door with your left hand and load in this position. Place two rounds in the magazine and then push the next round in between the two that are visible in the doorway. As you load more rounds in, they will move upwards inside the magazine body. Gravity keeps the rounds in line until you get spring pressure on them. Once loaded, shut the door. Release the spring with the charging handle *. Once spring pressure is applied there is no need to keep the firearm upright, but during loading, this is very important.

You are now loaded and ready to go!

 *Also, it is important when releasing the charging handle to NOT let the spring and follower slam upwards when the magazine is empty, or loaded with just a few rounds. The spring is very strong. Letting it slam upwards can lead to damage to the magazine or to your bolt catch. When releasing the spring and follower, guide the charging handle upwards with your finger until it is fully seated. 

   The best way to unload cartridges from your CompMag is to hold your rifle upright (just like when you load it), open the loading door, and push in on the tip of the visible cartridges. The back of the round will swing out allowing easy removal. Repeat until empty.


Clearing a malfunction is easy with the CompMag.

1. Lock the bolt carrier group (BCG) back with the bolt catch 2. Pull down the charging handle on the CompMag and lock it in the down position. This takes spring pressure off the magazine and off of the double fed round. 3. Go in through the ejection port and slide the double fed round back into the magazine. (Try to do this with something other than your finger, if you accidentally hit the bolt catch, it will release the BCG causing it to smash whatever is in its way.)  The round may be wedged, but once you break it free, It should be very easy to slide back into the magazine. This clears the double fed round back down into the magazine and out of your firearm. 

You can unload the magazine or remove the double fed round from the magazine through the loading doorway on your CompMag. The best way to unload cartridges from your CompMag is to hold your rifle upright (just like when you load it), open the loading door, and push in on the tip of the cartridge. The back of the round will swing out allowing easy removal. Repeat until empty. 

Once this is done you need to remove the round in your chamber. Manually cycle your firearm to remove the round in the chamber.

Also keep in mind, if all else fails you can remove the bottom of the CompMag just like a regular Magazine. First, take off the bottom while depressing the center button. Second, remove the spring and spring guide. Third, unscrew the charging handle on the CompMag to take out the follower. This allows you to clear any vetical rounds that may be in the magazine.

While preforming these operations, always keep your firearm pointed in a safe direction! Thank you.


Here is a video on how to assemble and disassemble your AR-15 CompMag.


Here is a quick video of us test firing the AR-15 CompMag on three different firearms. No modifications were made to these firearms except the installation of the CompMag.